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Many people like to play Call Of Duty with others for fun, but when you're in a team of two or three it can become difficult to coordinate without voice chat. This is especially true when enemies are coming at you from all angles and your team is spread out across the map. With this guide, I hope to make multiplayer Call Of Duty 4 1.7 much more enjoyable by explaining how voice chat works, what the default settings should be for your mic/speaker setup, and how to create an alternative strategy that makes you feel more confident on the battlefield. To begin with, it's important to know what types of communication end up in-game. Voice chat is what you hear when you're playing with people you're not in game with. If your team is two people, then it's likely that you'll only hear one or both of them talking. You can switch between the teams by pressing the "Tab" key. The other type of communication is team chat. During this mode, all players on the same team can communicate with each other during the game, but they do it over an internal server rather than through voice chat. Voice communication is used more often because it can be accessed through the Xfire client, while team communication is only available in-game.Note that there are two types of communication that are normally disabled in multiplayer Call Of Duty 4 1.7. Text chat is something you might use if you're talking to your team over an instant message program like AIM or MSN, but don't use it when you're trying to communicate with them ingame! It's also possible to mute your teammates by pressing "Ctrl + T". This will silence all voice chat coming from your teammates, including their voices and text chat lines. You can set your microphone and speaker configurations by opening the "Options" menu from the Call Of Duty main menu. In Options, click on the "Audio" tab and you'll notice a drop-down menu for "Speaker setup". Choose your appropriate speaker/headset setup from this drop-down menu. If you have a microphone, make sure it's set up as well by going to the Audio > Advanced Tab and setting everything to default, except for Volume Output which should be set to Auto. In order to actually talk during a game, you need some sort of voice chat program. There are two that dominate the Call Of Duty market: Ventrilo and Teamspeak 2 . Ventrilo is a client/server application for Windows. It works exactly the same as Teamspeak, but it's based on a client/server architecture rather than a peer-to-peer system so it's completely different from teamspeak. Although Ventrilo is better known, I recommend using TeamSpeak 2 because it has more features while being free! You have two options regarding getting started with TeamSpeak 2: download and install or download and run. There are both setup files and a simple executable that you can download that will begin installing the program for you. Once it's done, you're ready to go. crack multiplayer call of duty 4 1.7 cfa1e77820